Importance of Blog in SEO



In a website, blogs are meant to provide information about a topic related to the service/product offered by the company. It is the best source of content for a website. It is also the best way to include keywords in the content. The blogs are used for a variety of purposes.

Firstly, blogs are promoted in high PR article sharing sites to increase viewership. For example, you are the owner of an analytics start-up. You write few blogs that provide some basic information about analytics and the importance of your services. Now the second step is to ensure traffic to your website. So you promote your articles in Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and few other sites that have a lot of viewers.

Having a quality blog in your website ensures less bounce rate. Also an informative and relevant blog earns brownie points from Google which directly increases ranking.

While writing a blog few things should be kept in mind. Blogs should be written in such a way that even a person who has less or no exposure to the relevant field understands it. It is not necessary that your audience or the end will be an expert in the area of service. Complex and technical topics should be explained with examples. This ensures better understanding for visitors.



When you have to include mathematical facts, using pictorial representation and images will be helpful and will ensure smooth user experience.

So getting back to the example, let’s say you presented the blog in such a way that experienced data scientists and data analysts understand. This will hinder beginners from staying in your site and will increase bounce rate.

Another important factor that should be kept in mind while writing a blog is grammar and factual accuracy. Presenting wrong information to the page visitors could be fatal for page ranking. It reduces the credibility of your blog and ultimately has a negative effect on your website.

Some of the factors that are considered for Flesch-Kincaid Score are grammar, sentence formation, ease of reading and description style.

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